midicanalNarbonne - Second town in the County of Aude


A Short Tour of Béziers & the Region  ( page 17 of 22 )

The Canal de la Robine at Narbonne, and the lowest bridge on the canal network.

Narbonne, an ancient Roman settlement, and their local regional Capital,

Robine canal (Le Canal de la Robine) was built by the Romans to join Narbonne and the River Aude to the Mediteraen Sea, at that time there were no locks and the Romans used lots of sweeping bends to slow the flow of water, they also built the lowest bridge on the canal, which still has shops on both sides, to carry the Via Domitia, the ancient route between Rome and the Iberian peninsular.

Plaque on bridge over the Canal de la Robine in Narbonne

Archbishop's Palace - NarbonneMarket - Les Halles - NarbonneRoman Bridge - Narbonne


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