midicanalMichel Nostradamus - (Michel de Nostredame)

Michel Nostradamus

A Short Tour of Béziers & the Region  ( page 16 of 22 )

Nostradamus (1503-1566) studied and taught at the Faculty of Medicine in Montpellier, the oldest in Europe

Michel Nostradamus, Michel de Nostredame Michel de Nostredame (Michael of Our Lady), whose latinised name was Nostradamus, was born on December 14th, 1503. In 1522, at the age of nineteen, Nostradamus decided to study medicine and enrolled at Mont Pellier (the most famous school of medicine in France). He graduated with a bachelor degree and was soon licensed to practice medicine. As a healer, he was active in treating the victims of the "Black Plague" and developed unique and effective methods of treatment which helped to lessen the suffering of many people. At 26, Nostradamus returned to Mont Pellier to obtain his Doctor's degree. The academic skill he displayed while working towards his doctorate won him praise and admiration from the whole college. He was recruited as an instructor after his graduation and taught for about a year. Montpellier Facultié de Médecine
Born in the early 16th century, Nostradamus has become one of the world's most widely known and read prophets. His poetic yet cryptic quatrains are claimed by some to conceal information about future events. He completed a total of 942 quatrains which he organized into Centuries - groups of 100 quatrains (one Century only had 42 quatrains). Do these writings actually predict the death of popes, rise of tyrants, and natural catastrophes to come?
The photo (above & right) shows the entrance to the Faculty of Medicine at Montpellier, on the left of the entrance is a monument to "François Gigot de Lapeyronie, born in Montpellier le 15 January 1678 and died at Versailles the 25 April 1747, He was a French Surgeon most noted for being the first surgeon of the King Louis XV." To the right of the entrance is a statue of Paul-Joseph Barthez, born 11 December 1734 in Montpellier, died in Paris le 15 October 1806, he was a doctor and French encyclopedist (author). But no mention of Nostradamus!


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