midicanalCanal-side Cottage

Canal-side Cottage ― at the junction of the Midi Canal and the Junction Canal

Canal-side Cottage ― at the junction of the Midi Canal and the Junction Canal

Sallèles-d'Aude blazon

Canal-side cottage at the junction of "The Midi Canal" and "The Jonction Canal"

This junction of the two canals is about five kilometers (± 3 miles) from the village of Sallèles d'Aude. By boat, on the Junction Canal, or by bicycle, along the towpath, it is a good place to find restaurants, shops, post office, even a dentist and a garage! It has a good quayside for overnight mooring.

N.B. There are five locks along the straight Junction Canal, the other thine to watch out for is your head, or anything you might have on top of your boat, when you come from the Midi Canal under the bridge (on the right of the photograph) into the Junction Canal! You have been warned, the supports are large metal girders!


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